Gingerbread update


Mar 15, 2011
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Has anyone heard when verizon will start sending out the gingerbread update for the droid2? I would like to root my droid, but if verizon releases GB soon, i'll just wait for that.

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Has anyone heard when verizon will start sending out the gingerbread update for the droid2? I would like to root my droid, but if verizon releases GB soon, i'll just wait for that.

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I liked the GB for the D2 that leaked but there are some bugs that are noticeable, like the lights not coming on in the front.

If you want to root and just use your current OS you can do that. Then when and if the release of GB official comes out you just have to remove the root, or when you update it will remove the root for you at that time.
Hmm, i'll probably just wait until the official GB release. Im pretty satisfied with 2.2 I guess. There's just a few bugs that are a pain in the butt. Like when you turn the screen off and go to turn it back on and it takes several seconds to come back on. But I can live with those until GB officially comes out.

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