Gmail Auto-Sync


New Member
Jun 18, 2010
Reaction score
NW Ohio
Something weird just started on my Bionic...
Gmail is set up (has to be so I can use google play) and has worked for the entire time I've had my bionic...
3 days ago I noticed that I quit getting gmail notifications... if I opened my mailbox I could press refresh and the mail would update....

So I thought to myself...ok, I've turned off the sync.. so I went to accounts and into my gmail account... to my suprise, the auto sync isn't there... I'm going to try and attache pictures of what it looks like...


If I touch the SYNC GMAIL it syncs


So I thought again, ok, just delete the account then put it back in...

I get the infamous You can't dumb a.s.s. error


I've went into applications and remove the cache on the gmail app, I've tried everything I can think of... any help would be greatly appreciated.

Please Help!

Something weird just started on my Bionic...
Gmail is set up (has to be so I can use google play) and has worked for the entire time I've had my bionic...
3 days ago I noticed that I quit getting gmail notifications... if I opened my mailbox I could press refresh and the mail would update....

So I thought to myself...ok, I've turned off the sync.. so I went to accounts and into my gmail account... to my suprise, the auto sync isn't there... I'm going to try and attache pictures of what it looks like...


If I touch the SYNC GMAIL it syncs


So I thought again, ok, just delete the account then put it back in...

I get the infamous You can't dumb a.s.s. error


I've went into applications and remove the cache on the gmail app, I've tried everything I can think of... any help would be greatly appreciated.


I have the same exact problem as Tim! Please let me know if you find a solution. This is extremely frustrating! Thanks!
Try opening Gmail, choose Menu > More > Settings > touch your account > check your settings on Sync inboxes and labels, Email notifications, and Labels to notify. There may be settings there that will resolve the problems. I'm sure you have checked, but make sure your autosync is on in your power widget.
Thank you for the reply! Apparently I'm an idiot and somehow turned off the sync button on the power control widget by accident. Nonetheless, problem solved!
I had checked those settings...and everything looked right...
I went ahead and bit the bullet and did a factory reset...that fixed it, but now I have the fun chore of setting everything up again.
I do appreciate ideas.. was just getting frustrated to the point of "what the hell" :)

Same Syncing Issue

I was having this same syncing issue...and thought everything was set right. THANKS for the heads up about the Power Widget!! That fixed it...once I figured out how to get to the power widget!!

This youtube video was very helpful: [video=youtube;fosSGStYRGw][/video]