Gmote Netflix Issues


New Member
Apr 4, 2010
Reaction score
Dearborn, MI
So I searched and I didn't come up with any results, so hopefully this isn't a repost. I am using Gmote as a wireless mouse and keyboard for when I'm on the couch, and it's working great, love the program. However, I have noticed one little problem that is kind of annoying.

When I'm watching Netflix, Gmote seems to have a hard time clicking on the netflix instant player buttons, like play/pause/next etc. The cursor is moving crisply and correctly, and clicking other buttons like refresh/back or hyperlinks works just fine. But the netflix buttons don't click easily. I have to tap my Droid's screen like 10 or 15 times before it registers that I'm trying to hit pause. I don't understand why it does this. Anyone else notice this, or have any solutions/ideas? Thanks
I don't know why that happens, but it also happens for me, so I'm guessing it's something with Gmote and Silverlight, but I'm really not sure.

I assume you're using a Droid, though, in which case, you can use the hard keyboard's space bar and enter key for pause/resume. I know it doesn't completely solve your problem, but I think that's probably the most important thing from the watch it now. You can always browse backwards and select the episode from the regular website.
Lol, for some reason I never even thought about using the spacebar, even though I use it on my regular keyboard a lot. Wow, silly me.

It is a strange problem though. Glad I'm not the only one having it. I don't know too much about Silverlight, and besides Netflix, I don't really use it(that I'm aware of). Anyway, I wonder if the dev is aware of this.