TisMyDroid I'm glad I'm not alone. All this technology is something! ☺
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It's not the technology. It's Samsung. They took a play out of the Moto release 10+ new devices that are very similar book.
As far as Note4 (or Note4Edge) vs the Note5, other than the obvious no removable battery and card, the ergonomics on the 5 are a little more curved, the s pen will do more, the home button is slimmed down to accommodate less bottom bezel but the specs inside are basically an S6. With the 5s sealed battery you'll also get a smaller mah to use than what was rumored before release. If you're a power user that doesn't want to carry a charger or portable battery with you, that's something to consider as well. It'll come from the box with lollipop and its battery sucker issues and though Google promises to fix it with M, they've been promising stellar battery life improvements with their newest version since Gingerbread and have yet to keep it, only real life improvements being minor.
If you want the beast functionality of the Note4 with edged capability the N4E is the way to go. It has all the monster stuff of the original 4 plus extra goodies of the edge screen and feels just as nice in hand. I "settled" for a regular Note4 because the Edge wasn't out yet but I really don't feel like I settled anywhere but the lack of side screen. Nice camera, nice battery life (was stellar before lollipop) , The s pen is my most used feature on it and don't know how others get by with just using a phone without all the stuff an s pen brings. But that's another topic for another day.
Honestly to purchase any of the 3 will be a win over the Note3, though it is no slouch either. As good (vs the Note2 which I also own) as it feels in hand, the 4 and 4E don't feel like you're holding a phablet. They will not be mistaken for a flip phone or Dare (first total touchscreen device on Verizon) by any stretch of the imagination they are both a large step up from the Note2 and not quite minor one from the Note3.
To me going from a Note3 to a 5 would be a total cross step, no move up but the 3 to a 4 or especially 4E would be a big step up. Not a leap, like from the 2, but a big step.
Hope that helps.
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