good way to sell g nex


Mar 25, 2011
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I know phones for sale aren't allowed on this site but anyone have any ideas where I could sell it other than eBay or Craigslist?
To employees at work that isnt cheap or or nearby your area

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ebay to get the best audience for the $ but might not get as much for the device.
Craigslist or another local online site if you want it gone quick for the best $.

Do you frequent any other non-mobile relate forums? Try posting a for sale thread on those. Good Luck!
Swappa was what I was looking for, knew I heard of it before but couldn't remember the name
Its hard to beat Craigslist since they will come and pick up whatever you are selling and pay with cash.

As long as you don't mind personal contact with people.
Swappa for sure. I have successfully sold four devices on there for a good price.

Second choice would be Craigslist. Though watch out for the scams and you will get alot of tire kickers and hagglers on there.