Google Announces Android Auto


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Dec 30, 2010
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Austin, TX

Google's new Android Auto software will focus on music, navigation and other applications in a way to make it safer for users to use while driving. It is fully voice enabled, to avoid drivers diverting their attention from the road.

Google Maps has been rebuilt so that it can be better displayed on car touchscreen and the source device. The best part is that Android Auto uses the user’s phone to power the entire experience. This means as long as you are updating your phone, your Android Auto experience will improve as well.

Google will be releasing an Android Auto SDK later today. It will initially focus on enabling certain types of apps, like music streaming apps. Google indicated that more than 25 car brands are supporting the Android Auto program.
Sure would be nice if more Google apps supported SYNC applink, especially Google play music.
The best part is that if you already have a robust data plan you can stream music and such. No separate additional data plan or line of service for your car, no crazy update mechanism to get the head unit up to date, no additional music service subscription just for your car.

I think this is GREAT.