Google CEO Eric Schmidt Highlights Google's Focus for 2011


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Dec 30, 2010
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Austin, TX

Eric Schmidt, the CEO of Google spoke with Harvard Business Review recently. In the interview he highlights three things that will be Google's primary focus for 2011. All three are geared toward Google's mobile global markets. (Say that three times fast.) Their intention is to deliver more personalized information for everyone to share at a moments notice. The three initiatives that will help them make that happen are LTE high-speed networks, mobile money/banking, i.e. NFC technology, and inexpensive smartphones. Mr. Schmidt had this to say,
“We envision literally a billion people getting inexpensive, browser-based touchscreen phones over the next few years” he suggests, “can you imagine how this will change their awareness of local and global information and their notion of education? And that will be just the start.”
Ahhh... so that's Google's plan to take over the world. Kinda benign, but very clever... make sure everyone has an Android smartphone and design it to make their lives easier, more creative and more fun. And, make sure that it can provide personalized and transparent data instantly for everyone. I guess 'information' itself will eventually be the world's 'noble dictator'. I'm down. How bout you guys? You up for a 'digital utopia' or is that too philosophical? ;)

Source: SlashGear
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"Inexpensive" is the key word there. Cheaper smartphones and data plans may be where the growth is now, especially globally.

I think the big question is how do you create a need that most people don't really have? Even $15 a month for a minimal data plan is somewhat of a luxury. Mobile money/banking isn't enough as plenty of people are still reluctant to do that online with their computer.
Google is following windows model for pcs. You can have a high end android device or a low end device... the difference is the hardware and the capabilities, but in the end all the devices will be able to do the same basic things. The difference between android on verizon vs metropcs, other than hardware, will be how long it will take to receive information. ..... depending on if the vzw device is located in a 3g or 4g area and metro can only receive 1x.
Forcus? Firefox has a built-in spell checker ya know :)

LOL... yep, but it doesn't work in the 'title' section of the thread post. Thanks for catching my 'typo'! Apparently I had missed an "i" in 'Eric's name as well. Doh! Spell checkers are awesome but sometimes they make you forget to double-check, especially when they only work some of the time.

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I'm 67 years old and cannot spill worth you know what. Yes, I know all about spell check but let's give the folks who share information with us a little slack.
I'm 67 years old and cannot spill worth you know what. Yes, I know all about spell check but let's give the folks who share information with us a little slack.

Thanks for the defense johnnieeve, but I am actually glad that let me know about my typo. I hold myself to high standards and expect to be called out when I have a typo or other error. If I missed it, then someone letting me know helps me to fix it. My only excuse is that my heat is out today, and my cold hands make it harder to type, but that still doesn't excuse that I didn't go back and visually check my title. Regardless, I appreciate your generous 'slack'.

Skynet will be a reality one day (given a different name obviously)

Look at the the sci fi movies over the years... technology that was once fiction is now fact... it's only a matter of time.