Google Chrome is King Once Again

cereal killer

Staff member
Oct 29, 2009
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Austin, TX
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Nokia Lumia Icon

Google Chrome is once again the most used web browser knocking out Microsoft’s Internet Explorer. Back in March Chrome jumped ahead of Internet Explorer but that was short lived and lasted only a few days. There is some more good news for Google. Their Android mobile browser has surpassed Opera Mobile for the top spot and is now the most popular mobile browser. It should be noted that this doesn't mean that more people use Chrome than Internet Explorer, it only means that people on Chrome browse more than those on Internet Explorer. This is due to the fact that StatCounter does not measure the unique users and their browser of choice, but rather the impressions generated.

Are you a Chrome, Firefox or Internet Explorer user and why did you choose that particular browser?

Source: NextWeb
I still use Firefox more often than Chrome. Every now and then Chrome still glitches on one thing or another. I will say that I love Chrome's ability to reopen tabs that you accidentally closed or need again at the moment, and Chrome to Mobile is also pretty freaking awesome. Anything but IE, except on new computers when I need to download a browser. Of course, I could just load up something with a USB dongle, so...
I use chrome the most just because it seems more stable plus I like the theme/skin I have on it. To me firefox seems heavier as it tends to slow my system down the longer I run it and some websites don't load well under firefox. I've had issues with some websites not loading well under chrome too. I'm still using IE8 because I'm running XP. I don't know if I would use IE at all if it didn't come with the OS. IE has the most issues when it comes to loading websites, handling multiple tabs, and just plain working. It seems before it even gets to attempting to load a webpage it has to negotiate with the cpu for a few seconds for some reason. I've had cases were I've had five or six tabs open and then closed the whole browser clicked the little prompt to close all tabs and then had IE crash after closing about three of the tabs. I haven't tried IE9 yet. Right now, chrome is my first choice and firefox my second. I use the default browser on my TF101 a lot too.
I use use Chrome. IE is starting to look a little like aol email, out dated.
Chrome is my main followed by some Opera. I only use FF for web dev stuff, and its group tabs. Which I love. Besides that FF glitches way too much for me.
I've moved to Chrome on my PC...wish it worked on my phone. But I like it esthetically over IE, plus it works better. Adblocking is another plus. It may have a few glitches, but IE has way more.

Sent from my DROID3 using Tapatalk 2
Downloaded and used Chrome on my work computer and at home for a while. It didn't really seem any faster to me. It seemed to encourage tabbed browsing which obviously made it seem faster than Firefox because at the time I'd open everything in a new window which I found seemed to use more video memory than physical memory (however obvious that should have been) which made my 16GB of RAM seem kind of pointless. Now that I always take advantage of tabbed browsing they seem on par. Just as well it seems as though Firefox has more options and Chrome seems a little limited in that department. There are probably other things I remember not liking about Chrome but the short and skinny is that I've been using Firefox for YEARS and am more than likely completely biased. Chrome is clearly a new albeit very polished browser for its age and I may give it another go down the line but for now the boys at Firefox are staying busy keeping the browser up to date and working well.
I.E. is the browser most used to down load another browser
I've always used explorer... it has never given me an issue.
I tried firefox -still in my pc- but the ()(*^(^*(*& thing crahses my pc every time I open a flash-enabled site. Chrome seems faster than I.E., but I don't find it as convenient as I.E. (menu locations, the stupid arrangement of the bookmarks, etc) Also, Chrome is a memory hog -it sucks up more memory than I.E.
Then there is Opera... I love it. Mail-client built in, server capabilitites, sync, etc. But, unfortunately there is little to none 3rd party app support. I continue to use it only because there is no IE for android.
I guess it is just a matter of preference...