Google Considering More Controlled & 'Apple-Like' Approach with Nexus Line [Rumor]


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Dec 30, 2010
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According to the latest rumors, Sundar Pichai, the current CEO of Android, and his colleagues might be considering switching up the strategy with the Nexus line to be more "Apple-like." Specifically, the rumor-mill is suggesting that Pichai wants Google to take more control of the direction of both hardware and software for the Nexus series of phones. Here's a quote with more of the details from the source of this rumor,

"Google CEO Sundar Pichai and his lieutenants have signaled to colleagues and outsiders that the company wants to take greater control over its program for making “Nexus” smartphones, which are powered by Google’s Android software. The change would effectively reduce the level of involvement of hardware partners that make the phones with Google, a group which has included Samsung, Motorola, LG and Huawei."

We can see two sides to this move. On the one hand, if Google takes more control over the hardware and software of Nexus phones, it could be a boon for reducing fragmentation and for increasing security, performance and reliability for Nexus Android devices. On the other hand, it's possible that the various potential Nexus OEMs (like LG, HTC, Samsung, etc) might balk at the idea that they have to give up more control to Google. It would do the Nexus line no good if no one wants to make it. Share your thoughts.

Source: TheInformation
I don't see how this is a bad idea. I like the Nexus phones that have been made under the way things are now. I'm not seeing how they'd potentially be any less good of a device.
If the OEMs get mad and balk Google can just go ahead, buy HTC, and crank out in-house Nexus devices.
I am OK with this. Its not like they are saying every OEM has to do it, but their own devices will be controlled. I'm sure the bawking at it is because it will likely have a locked bootloader so ROMs can't be used but still, I haven't rooted my last two devices and have lived. I could have, dont' get me wrong but its become more of a headache than the couple things I liked to change.
And I hate it. Proving this approach will create fragmentation, not do away with it!
I'm not clear on how it'll create more fragmentation other than possibly Google stuff vs everybody elses stuff using Android.
I'm not for it for a differing reason though. I see it as Apple like in that more will be forced to be default, like Apple does, instead of the freedom to choose what we want as defaults. Shutting down mom and pop type app developers by forcing conglomerate company developers isn't moving forward to me.

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I think they should stand up to big red like apple has. That's for sure..but I think if they have a vision for nexus devices..they should pursue it. Ya never might actually be a good direction..

Make all the bloat removable..that'd be a nice step
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Jesus that title scared me. You mention Apple and control in the one title, and I start freaking out thinking that they're gonna lock down the ecosystem.
Though I have no issue with this, my question is if Google had more control would we really get a better product?

2 years ago Motorola shined, last year it was Samsung, though the Nexus 6P is arguably the best Nexus (they are getting better each year) could Google really outdo Samsung or Apple?

Samsung has the appeal because they actually add some additions to android that makes it useful. Little things like scheduled messaging, better exchange support, better camera software are the little things that you appreciate after using vanilla android for awhile. Yeah I'll give it to Google that pure android is the cleanest form so you will experience less jank but over the years Samsung is getting closer and closer to pure android experience with the extras.

As much as I love a Nexus if I had to choose between a nexus or Samsung to take to work and use as a work phone (that I could not switch out later) I am choosing a Samsung Note.

As far as Apple, well companies have spoken.

So my question is what could Google do in control that they are unable to do now (remember they did own Motorola for a short period of time, though it was just for the patents)?
I think that Apple has a very good thing going. In my mind there is a better line of accessories available... I think they get better battery style cases and I have always wanted a dock style speaker for my Android phone. One that will charge and play audio at the same time.. I know BT is really coming to be one in it's own but nothing beats being able to just drop my iPod into a dock and let it play ALL day without worrying about it being dead....

I really think there is a HUGE market out there for accessories like these. By controlling the software and hardware more than they do now it really makes it easier for 3rd party companies to make docks and other accessories....

What I really want is for Android to allow "live" charging port access... Even in a 2 way form. This would allow for MUCH better battery cases and also for the ability to charge and play at the same time through the charging port...

I think the idea of Google buying HTC is VERY good... I thought they were going to head that route when they bought Motorola but it didn't happen... With how locked down Android devices are becoming each day I see myself less and less hesitant to try a newer iOs device....
I'm for producing a better product.. If it means Google takes over the design and manufacturing, so be it...