Google Earth update


New Member
Jun 2, 2010
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I've been wondering for quite awhile just how often if at all does Google Earth update what it shows? I have no idea about anyone else but when I view "my location" (my house) using Google Earth and zoom in the results are at least 2 years old! :( Surely with all the satellites in space and all the other technology we use they could update more often I would think. If I use Google Maps it shows some of the new things that have been built around me that doesn't appear on GE. GE is a cool app that could be even better I think if what it showed was more updated. dancedroid
Probably because the govt. doesn't want recent pictures available to any schmo named Mohammed-al terrorist to use against us or other good faring nations.

If you try and zoom in on certain security sensitive areas they are blurred out. I just tried zooming in on all of Mogadishu and it's blurred out. I don't know why that sewer would be blurred but since Americans died there maybe there is security significance.
I've been wondering for quite awhile just how often if at all does Google Earth update what it shows? I have no idea about anyone else but when I view "my location" (my house) using Google Earth and zoom in the results are at least 2 years old! :( Surely with all the satellites in space and all the other technology we use they could update more often I would think.
Any satellite imagery has lags like this for several reasons. It's not just a matter of having "satellites in space and all the other technology". Technology has it's limitations.

For specifics, hit this page:
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my father-in-law lives in a gated community in Florida where the price of the average home is a couple of million dollars. you can't zoom in on the neighborhood at all to get the same fine detail as my own. security stuff.