Google Employee's Cute Cartoon Suggests Next Version of Android is Key Lime Pie


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Dec 30, 2010
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Austin, TX

If this cartoon, created by Manu Cornet, a cartoonist and Google software engineer, is anything more than just a fun doodle, then the next iteration of Android really will be called Key Lime Pie. Although for quite some time (well over a year) the industry speculation has been that the next version of Android will be called Key Lime Pie, there has never been any official indication from Google confirming this. This cartoon pic that you see above can hardly be called an "official confirmation," but it is highly suggestive.

What do you guys think? Does his graphic accurately highlight the evolution (both past, present and future) of Android?

Source: BGR
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What I would like to see is an application for notes with encryption for passwords, etc and location based reminders.
Cupcake, then doughnut, eclaire, froyo...I'm sure you've it from here :)
Why is the cartoon thowing up in the cup? Oh, wait, that's FroYo. : )
Only inaccuracy is that after all those sweets Andy would be a bit more pudgy around the mid section. :wink-b:
Only inaccuracy is that after all those sweets Andy would be a bit more pudgy around the mid section. :wink-b:

Naw... He. Works out :)

Cellar Door

"Who are you people and where is my horse?"