I hope there are solutions but if not, these definitely need to be added into a software upgrade.
Three things I can't seem to fix:
1) Can we increase the font size on the map so we can read it when the phone is in the car cradle. I zoom in but the font then "re-sizes" to a smaller one. Also, the traffic flow lines thin out as well.....these need to stay thicker so we can read it.
2) Can we set the map to always "track forward"? This is easier to read if the icon was going in the same direction as the vehicle.
3) Can the backscreen have the colors reversed at night? It's too bright to have a white background map in the dark. (Garmin switches to a dark mode at sunset).
Please note that items 1 & 2 are only during "no navigation".....when I am actually using the navigation, the font and tracking up, actually work very nicely!
Three things I can't seem to fix:
1) Can we increase the font size on the map so we can read it when the phone is in the car cradle. I zoom in but the font then "re-sizes" to a smaller one. Also, the traffic flow lines thin out as well.....these need to stay thicker so we can read it.
2) Can we set the map to always "track forward"? This is easier to read if the icon was going in the same direction as the vehicle.
3) Can the backscreen have the colors reversed at night? It's too bright to have a white background map in the dark. (Garmin switches to a dark mode at sunset).
Please note that items 1 & 2 are only during "no navigation".....when I am actually using the navigation, the font and tracking up, actually work very nicely!