Google Maps Navigation ETA is not accurate


New Member
Jan 8, 2010
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Tucson, AZ
Just curious if others have noticed inaccurate time estimates. Here's the reply I received from the Google team:
"We've received feedback about the Google Maps Navigation ETA time being inaccurate at times, and we're making server-side improvements to address this issue. You should see a steady improvement over the ETA time over the coming months. At this time, there's no way to customize or modify the time estimation algorithm in Google Maps."
Never pay attention to the ETA's.....just directions....
Yep, running side-by-side with my old Garmin I noticed the Droid was off by a good bit - like 10 minutes on a 30 minute drive. It worked itself out, and as I got closer to the destination the ETA became more accurate, but it could be an issue if you really needed an accurate time up front. I figured it was just a bug that they would work out.

Overall I've been pretty impressed with the navigation. Though a couple times it didn't route me the most efficient way, I'm convinced that when I don't know where I'm going it'll get me there. Still I'm holding on to that Garmin as a backup. :icon_wink:
It's beta. ETA is one of the hardest functions of a navigation tool- I'm not at all surprised that it's a bit wonky yet.

One more reason to shill the Droid to your friends- the more phones are out there navigating, the more data Google's servers will have to work with!
My ETA on last trip wasn't too off. maybe 10 minutes at the beginning....
I never look at the ETA. I've noticed that even if you go to a website like mapquest or google maps they are always way off on estimated time. I figure that it must think I am going to go exactly the speed limit.
A GPS based navigation which gives an ETA, is nothing more than an estimate. It is based on how many miles traveled through each of however many speed zones there are in the trip. The assumption is based on driving at the posted sped limit :).

The sensitivity of a phone GPS is not that of a newer dedicated high sensitivity GPS unit, so on a long trip your location may not be precise. If you pass through an area where satellite connections are either lost or sub optimal, the unit may then estimate your travel based on its estimate and you will be off some until contact is back up. Usually not a problem on most paved road travel.

It is a guess, allow for it. Double check destination as much as you can. Don't rely too heavily on a phone GPS for navigation to critical events. Remember Murphy's Law.
Just curious if others have noticed inaccurate time estimates. Here's the reply I received from the Google team:
"We've received feedback about the Google Maps Navigation ETA time being inaccurate at times, and we're making server-side improvements to address this issue. You should see a steady improvement over the ETA time over the coming months. At this time, there's no way to customize or modify the time estimation algorithm in Google Maps."

The total trip eta was correct for me when i tested it from work to home, but yeah it hanged for a couple minutes.
Hmm, weird. When comparing my ETA with mapquest, I get the same results. Maybe a minute or two off, no more than that though.
A GPS based navigation which gives an ETA, is nothing more than an estimate. It is based on how many miles traveled through each of however many speed zones there are in the trip. The assumption is based on driving at the posted sped limit :).

Perhaps I was in error for comparing the accuracy of Google Maps Navigation to my hand held Garmin unit. On my Garmin, I was able to input my own speeds for different types of roads, so their ETA algorithm was not limited to posted speed limits.

I realize the 'E' in ETA stands for "Estimated". However, I initially found that the ETAs provided by Google Maps Navigation were not nearly as accurate as my Garmin. The response from the Google team confirmed the inaccuracy.

On a related note, I came across this posting regarding the Droid's inability to connect to GPS:
So ... I uninstalled WeatherBug yesterday and not only am I not having problems connecting to GPS, but today I found that the ETA was MUCH more accurate .... go figure.
My ETA for my drive from Fargo, ND to Minot, ND was off yesterday by about an hour and a half. I've always just assumed they had inaccurate speed limits programmed for some of the non-interstate route portions.
So ... I uninstalled WeatherBug yesterday and not only am I not having problems connecting to GPS, but today I found that the ETA was MUCH more accurate .... go figure.

Today's results:
Route distance: 25.7 miles
ETA: 44 mins
Actual: 38 mins
ETA isn't the biggest problem...

...happened to catch a news report yesterday about a trucker who was consulting his GPS when his 14ft tall truck attempted to fit under an 11ft bridge. I suspect his ETA was off significantly.
I have actually been surprisingly impressed by the ETA. > 1h drives in heavy Chicago traffic and < 5min off when I get to my destination. Meaning, the time it told me it would take to get there in a highly, HIGHLY variable setting was extremely accurate.
Continuing my post from above...I've been driving across North Dakota all week and it has been continuously over estimating the time it would take me to drive someplace.

Oftentimes, the route involves ONE highway...with a set speed limit of 70 mph...which would seem to be a simple calculation...but it was still off by an hour and a half this morning.