Google Maps... no avs?

Jul 25, 2010
Reaction score
Title Edit: Sorry, meant no favs!

Coming from garmin nav, I always had a really easy option to navigate to specific destinations that I frequent. Not so easy in the google nav. Have to enter address every time. Tried MyPOI, but seems like it takes quite a few steps to make this happen too. Anyone find a really easy way to navigate to a favorite spot? Preferably using voice search from the car dock.
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Coming from garmin nav, I always had a really easy option to navigate to specific destinations that I frequent. Not so easy in the google nav. Have to enter address every time. Tried MyPOI, but seems like it takes quite a few steps to make this happen too. Anyone find a really easy way to navigate to a favorite spot? Preferably using voice search from the car dock.

I don't have the X but I imagine you have a search button, correct? Press the search button, then press the microphone, say navigate to …………and you should be good to go.
Though I appreciate the suggestion, I don't think that if I press search then the mic and say "navigate to home" that it will take me to my house. Hence, the need for favorites. As of now, I have to enter the entire address every time.
There are several ways to do this... If you "Star" any address on google maps, it will appear under the "Starred Items"option on the "Choose Destination" menu. Also, if you enter address information for any of your contacts, those addresses will show up on the "Contacts option in the "Choose Destination" menu. My favorite way to do this though (for my home address anyways) is to create a shortcut on my homescreen which will navigate me home with one click. (Long click on the homescreen>shortcuts>Directions & Navigation, enter the address, pick an icon, name the shortcut and click save and you're golden)
My favorite way to do this though (for my home address anyways) is to create a shortcut on my homescreen which will navigate me home with one click. (Long click on the homescreen>shortcuts>Directions & Navigation, enter the address, pick an icon, name the shortcut and click save and you're golden)

Now that's beautiful right there. I can just add a folder to my home screen with shortcuts to the primaries and the rest can be starred in maps. Golden indeed, thank you!

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