google music app questions


New Member
Feb 18, 2012
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I've been trying g music for a little while now and have a few questions so any help would be great. I have uploaded my iTunes library to the g cloud and have made a few available offline to try it that way versus streaming. I want to put most of my library on my phone as I'm going fishing and there is no service on the lake so here is the questions....

1. It looks like the few songs I have downloaded have been stored on my phone storage not my SD card as my phone says I have 6.6gb left for music and have nothing on my 16gb SD card...looking in my files there is a file (android/data/music)or something similar that has numbered mp3 files in it...... is this the file where they are downloaded to?????

2. Can I move them to my SD card since I have 14gb of music I want to put on my phone?? do I delete songs that I have used google music and downloaded from the cloud?? (Assuming that the numbered mp3 files are the ones I have made available offline without manually checking each file to find the one I want to delete)

3. One of the posts I read said that you can only download your music from the cloud to your PC twice?? Is this true for your phone also?? song that I had made available offline now only partially plays so do I need to delete and redownload??

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