Google Play Services Updated to 4.4 New Street View API and More! Download Now!


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Oct 6, 2011
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Google Play services has received a pretty big update today! This update brings GPS to version 4.4 and adds some awesome new features including an all new Street view API which allows developers to use Google Maps Street Views Images in their own applications. Developers will be able to use the entire Street view image with the ability to use 360 degree views, zooming, and motion transitions. The new update allows developers to see the difference between walking and running. Mobile Ads have been improved. Users can now click through an ad to purchase products on promo without being redirected to an app or webpage. Another addition to Mobile Ads is an improved targeting framework which will hopefully match users up with better ads. Maybe this will eliminate the hundreds of ads you get for a certain product after you have already purchased it. The update seems to add lots of tools for developers. You can download and install this update now. The apk at the link below is a signed app that will replace your existing app. Head to the source link for the download.

Via AndroidPolice
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