Google Play Store Reviews Now Require Your Google Plus Account


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Dec 30, 2010
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Austin, TX

In an effort to curb the rampant "trolling" present in the Google Play Store's review system, Google rolled out a new "feature/requirement." In order to post a review of a product or app on the Google Play Store, you must now sign in through your Google Plus Account and it will be made visible for everyone to see. This idea is intended to help insure that reviews actually have some reasoning and substance instead of baseless hate-spam.

This concept obviously won't completely curtail random acts of spam, but at least now you can check out the source of a review and perhaps determine if that particular reviewer can be ignored or not. What do you guys think of this "solution?"

Source: AndroidAuthority
I understand the rationale, but I would prefer to remain anonymous when I give a review. If it is not possible to review an item, and keep my Google Plus "real name" secret, then you will not see another review from me.

Consequently, I reviewed an Auto service center, and did not give it positive reviews. Before, I would review a place, and my user name would appear as the reviewer not my "real name", however recently Google changed that policy, and is using the Google plus name instead. Now since my review was not a positive one, I fear of going back there. The review was to help them make their service better, but now I think they will single me out and potentially do worse to my car.

I think they should give us the option of using our username, rather than our Google Plus "real name".
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Agree with Aghenax.
No more reviews from me.
Is it REALLY to discourage Spam reviews, or is it REALLY being used to get people to sign up for Google+? I think we know.

Don't treat me like an idiot, Google. I can sift through reviews myself and can tell the stupid ones from the real ones.
Agree with Aghenax.
No more reviews from me.
Is it REALLY to discourage Spam reviews, or is it REALLY being used to get people to sign up for Google+? I think we know.

Don't treat me like an idiot, Google. I can sift through reviews myself and can tell the stupid ones from the real ones.

That's a very good point. I hadn't considered that. Crafty of Google.
Um, I don't have a Google+ account. I disabled mine. When I go to it, it asks me to create all the info. Guess no more reviews from me.
Then when we receive in app requests for play store ratings, we need to email the developers and complain to them about using our real names per Google. If they don't get the reviews, their apps don't sell. Google will here it from them. Also, fyi, Google now has the same requirement for posting videos to your YouTube channel. My friend just told me about it. You are required to show your real name on your posts. Google may be going to far with this. Most people enjoy their privacy online and Google is taking that away.

In an effort to curb the rampant "trolling" present in the Google Play Store's review system, Google rolled out a new "feature/requirement." In order to post a review of a product or app on the Google Play Store, you must now sign in through your Google Plus Account and it will be made visible for everyone to see. This idea is intended to help insure that reviews actually have some reasoning and substance instead of baseless hate-spam.

This concept obviously won't completely curtail random acts of spam, but at least now you can check out the source of a review and perhaps determine if that particular reviewer can be ignored or not. What do you guys think of this "solution?"

Source: AndroidAuthority

Grrr I dont want a Google plus Account!! I think this is a cheap way of getting us to sign up for it. LAME!!
I noticed this awhile ago with Places.

I absolutely hate it. Since it also posts the review (or any photos you post in Places) to your public stream*. I hated Facebook for making certain information public, and I'm hating G+ for it now, too. The good thing about circles was that you were able to actually control what different groups of people see; not anymore! :(

*That's the impression I got anyway. I suppose I could be wrong, since I decided not to post a photo to a local landmark when I read the little prompt.
S#!+ like this makes me want to buy an Underwood and move to a cabin in western Montana.

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