Google Play, Yea or Nay?


DF News Team
Premium Member
Oct 26, 2010
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Northern Virginia/Washington DC
So, with the announcement and transition to Google Play from the Android Market, how do you feel about the change? Thoughts, concerns, questions, comments are welcomed.
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I like it. I look forward to seeing what Google has in store for it other than just a name change.
Okay so I got the updates for play movies and play books... but no google play application? I still have the marketplace any hints on I've already restarted my phone like 6 times and nothing still.
The name is awful! Seriously, Play? Great if all they have are games and music. Market was a good name. If they wanted to have their app store be more inclusive if their other services why didn't they just change the name to Google Market, instead of Android Market?

Sent from my Droid Incredible on 2.3.4 using the DroidForums app
I don't like change

Sent from my HTC REZOUND using DroidForums
Hmm... been to busy lately to be tracking too much Android news... I must say I was very shocked when I opened the market and it said Play and I had a random Play icon in my app drawer... I do think they could have picked a better name though. I just don't see people saying "Its will be available in Play." Not like Appstore or Market.

Sent from the best phone on Verizon!
I don't like play, im not against a name change, but Google could have come up with something better. If all you do with your smartphone is text, call, and play angrybirds, play fits just fine. I got a smartphone for my business, if I download an app from the market, oops, if I download an app from the Play, it usually has nothing to do with playing, but I'm beginning to believe that I'm in the minority.

Sent from my Illudium PU - 36 Explosive Space Modulator.
I got the update, only difference I see is the icon, everything else is still the same

Sent from my DROID2 GLOBAL using DroidForums
I don't have a problem with Google Play. But I do hate Google Play makes it sound very childish.

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk
I think the name isn't as obvious to noobs. Like if I'm trying to tell my mom how to get an app I'll be like "you have to go to play...
er, Google play...
er, it's called the play store...
its where you get play music and play videos... no you don't play them from Google play store you play them from Google play music and play videos"

I think the main problem is that they're using a verb as a proper noun.

Sent from my DROID BIONIC using DroidForums
Really, they should just put "Google" in front of everything and it would be so much more obvious.
"Google store"
"Google music"
"Google videos"
The whole "play" thing is just extraneous. It brands all of the software as "Play" and not "Google". People trust and like Google and have absolutely no idea what Play is.

Sent from my DROID BIONIC using DroidForums
Love the comments and opinions here. Now that some people have replied, I figure I'll share mine.

I don't think Google should have changed it to Play if they needed to change it. Play just seems to broad and doesn't really encompass anything Android. It encompasses services and features but like what BroidDrionic said, it will be harder for new Android Users to pick up.

And yes, I know I made a grammar error in the poll as soon as I posted the thread, but sadly, I can't change it so just deal with it :icon_ devil:
... but no google play application

Me too. I'm still on Market v3.4.4
I bet it'll leak resources like other Android apps...

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Got this text msg from VZW on 3/10/2012:

Free VZW msg: Android Market is becoming Google Play. Android Market on your phone will receive an upgrade in the next few days. To learn more, click (data charges may apply).

Got the v3.4.7 update (Play Store) today.

Sent from my unrooted DroidX using Tapatalk
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