Google & Sprint Supposedly Make it Official; Google to Offer Wireless Service Later This Year


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Dec 30, 2010
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Austin, TX

It appears the rumors of Google teaming up with one of the big four carriers to offer wireless service are true. Just a few days ago, we reported that Google was in talks with Sprint and T-Mobile to offer their own wireless service by "piggybacking" on these carriers' network infrastructure. Today, a report at Bloomberg indicates that Sprint and Google reached an agreement. Supposedly, it was Softbank's president, Masayoshi Son, who approached Google with this idea.

Here's a quote with more of the details,

Masayoshi Son, the president of SoftBank Corp. who bought Sprint in 2013, was integral in facilitating the talks between Sprint and Google, said another person, who asked not to be named because the discussions were private. Google will pay for capacity on Sprint’s network and then sell the service to its own customers. The financial terms are similar to other mobile virtual network operators, and Google may start its service as soon as this year, the person said.

It's interesting to fathom why Sprint's principal owner would go out of his way to create a deal like this. It also makes for interesting speculation as to why Google is choosing now to jump into these waters. Could Google be planning on using this new carrier service to help jump-start their Project Ara device later on?

Share your thoughts on this fascinating topic.

Source: Bloomberg
Google's not a company that I'd mind having a deal and good working relationship with if I was the head of any other company.

Will be very interesting to see where this goes for sure. Big G is obviously up to something. Hopefully that pans out to be something great for the consumer. I'm thinking it will.
Google's not a company that I'd mind having a deal and good working relationship with if I was the head of any other company.

Will be very interesting to see where this goes for sure. Big G is obviously up to something. Hopefully that pans out to be something great for the consumer. I'm thinking it will.
this has something to do with Google purchasing that satellite company back last April. I think they are developing a network around the atmosphere so basically anyone anywhere can have data or a signal. Its been a while since ive read up on it, I just remember someone from Google saying before they can do anything they will test out certain protocols using cell towers. It will be nice to see what comes of it.