Google Street search app? (like Google Sky)


Feb 19, 2011
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When I was talked into getting a Droid a while back, someone showed me an app that lets you search for restaurants and gas stations by using what I thought was google maps in street view. So, say you wanted to find a gas station, you turn it on and pan around like you would with google sky. As you look at it like binoculars, all the gas stations have balloons pop up telling you the name, gas prices, distance, etc, then you can click it and have the app give you the directions to the place.

Anyone know this app?
When I was talked into getting a Droid a while back, someone showed me an app that lets you search for restaurants and gas stations by using what I thought was google maps in street view. So, say you wanted to find a gas station, you turn it on and pan around like you would with google sky. As you look at it like binoculars, all the gas stations have balloons pop up telling you the name, gas prices, distance, etc, then you can click it and have the app give you the directions to the place.

Anyone know this app?

When you go to google maps do you see a little pointer just above the map? Tap that and a menu pops up with Restaurants, Coffee, Bars, Hotels, Gas Stations and you can add from there.
Thanks for the fast reply! Yeah, i found that, can get to the navigation from there, but it is just a text format list of items.

The google map feature/app i saw allowed you to pan the city like you were using google sky, but instead of constellations you had gas stations and stuff being featured.
I tried bars. You select a bar and then you see the map. You can scroll out the map and find other pins on the map. Touch them and find more bars.

Isn't that what you're looking for?
The one I was looking for was just like you have with google street view, and it had popup balloons over the places, while in street view, not the 2D map view. This way, as you pan the city, as if you are looking through binoculars, you can see all of the gas stations with the balloons as if they were really above the building, not just map coordinances, a lot like how you would look for constellations in google sky.

After talking to a bunch of people, and posting here and still not getting any closer, i am starting to think it doesnt exist, either it was a trick app i saw or the guy was explaining something different and it just looked like that
I got Layar and Wikitude World Browse, and only played with them for a few minutes. From what I see, they have to have all the data preloaded, or something because I couldnt even find burger king. But, it did have skateparks, and since most of my adult life was spent in skateparks, that was pretty cool!!
The name of that app is yelp I believe.

Yelp looks good too, but cant figure out how to get it to filter just close things or gas stations etc (in monocle) or how to goto monocle with the filtered search, but it might work for what I need to use it for.
ok, so I finally got a hold of the guy that showed me that app, and yes,it was yelp!! I am still playing with it, i want to see all the cool things it can do, thanks all for the help!!
ok, so I finally got a hold of the guy that showed me that app, and yes,it was yelp!! I am still playing with it, i want to see all the cool things it can do, thanks all for the help!!

Previous poster also mentioned Layar. I think that's exactly what you were looking for also.

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