Google Voice not taking voicemail on Droid


New Member
Dec 17, 2009
Reaction score
Peoria, IL
Bought my Droid and my wife's Eris last December; we've been using Google Voice exclusively for voicemail, and have loved it... until earlier this month, when it just stopped taking voicemails for us. Incoming calls roll over to a busy signal if we don't pick up.

Anyone else having issues with this?
Bought my Droid and my wife's Eris last December; we've been using Google Voice exclusively for voicemail, and have loved it... until earlier this month, when it just stopped taking voicemails for us. Incoming calls roll over to a busy signal if we don't pick up.

Anyone else having issues with this?

Don't use Google Voice for voice mail, but this doesn't surprise me. Frequently when using Google Voice for texting it would not deliver the message. Not Droids fault, really a Google problem. And that means nothing can be done about it. If it fails use standard voice mail.

I just looked at my GV page, it doesn't say beta on it. I thought GV was beta, maybe I'm wrong.
Double check that the proper call-forwarding is still in place?
Double check that the proper call-forwarding is still in place?

Well, there ya go. I deactivated and reactivated the call forwarding (by dialing *71 and then uninstalling/reinstalling GVoice), and it works fine now. Thanks for the response. I'm still curious as to how it got broken.