Google Voice Texting Vs Verizon Texting


Dec 20, 2009
Reaction score
Droid Universe.
I've read several forums talking about google voice and how many people went ahead and cancelled their texting plans...I've reasearched and couldn't really find a detailed answer to my question.. Is it worth cancelling your texting plan and using only GV for texting? Is there a real bad lag time when receiving or sending texts? Do you have to manually retrieve texts?

Need details to help me make a better decision...

Thanks in advance.
This topic has been discussed to death...a search of this forum should help you find what you need (there's at least a dozen threads on it). A detailed list of the pros and cons would take way too long to type out here for you.

edit: quick explanation, people use GV for texting and set up notifications via gmail so there is no lag time.
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This topic has been discussed to death...a search of this forum should help you find what you need (there's at least a dozen threads on it). A detailed list of the pros and cons would take way too long to type out here for you.

You sure? All i've seen is threads on how to configure google voice texting..and how to turn off notifications and all that..but never a pros and you happen to have a link?

Thank you
If you want to use MMS you can't do that with Google Voice. It's not as dependable as Verizons. And I don't think there is a spell check with Google Voice, at least with my Storm there wasn't.