google voice trouble


New Member
Nov 23, 2009
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(new to this forum)
so im using google voice WITH a google number
i added my google voice number to my "friends n family" plan
i ALSO added the number that my phone dials ((916) 538 3466)

so am i set? can i make and recieve free calls using google voice now?

the reason im concerned is because when i receive a call from my google voice number, the callers number is on my caller id. NOT my google voice number (confusing i know)

thank you
I'm new to google voice myself but from what I understand your access number ((916) 538 3466) changes every couple days so you will have to keep updating your friends and family. I only have my google voice number on mine so I guess incoming calls to it should be unlimited.. not really sure though
You need to set GV to show your google number on incoming calls for those calls to be free to you. (you no longer get caller id) Do this at the GV website, not on your phone. But, the calls are not free to the callers, they call your GV number and it's out of network to them. Inform the people in network to continue to call your cell number. Out of network people should call your GV number.

For outgoing calls, as long as google doesn't change your proxy outgoing number the calls are free. This outgoing number may change at anytime.