C Cyberuff New Member Mar 23, 2010 #1 How the heck do you uninstall Google Voice? Once I uninstall it, it still remains as Google Voice Voicemail.
How the heck do you uninstall Google Voice? Once I uninstall it, it still remains as Google Voice Voicemail.
L lakerfan82 Member Mar 23, 2010 #2 Cyberuff said: How the heck do you uninstall Google Voice? Once I uninstall it, it still remains as Google Voice Voicemail. Click to expand... You have to go onto http://voice.google.com and "deactivate Google voicemail on this phone" in the settings...
Cyberuff said: How the heck do you uninstall Google Voice? Once I uninstall it, it still remains as Google Voice Voicemail. Click to expand... You have to go onto http://voice.google.com and "deactivate Google voicemail on this phone" in the settings...