Google VP of engineering Vic Gundotra, recently took a funny jab at Nokia via a Tweet. The setup for this 'verbal' poke is that Nokia will soon hold its Capital Markets Day press event on Friday, February 11 in which they will announce what new OS they will partner with for their smartphones. Also, recently Nokia's CEO, Stephen Elop, said that he believes Nokia is years behind other competitors like the iOS and Android, and that the company has to do better in the smartphone OS battles. Furthermore, most insider info in the industry suggests that Nokia has decided to go with 'Windows Mobile 7' as its new OS of choice to replace or operate alongside Symbian and Meego.
Thus was born Mr Gundotra's Twitter comment above. He is probably referring to the combination of Nokia and Microsoft. His comment is pretty hilarious in that 'oh noes... did he just say that? Snap!' kinda way...
Source: via SlashGear