Got mine yesterday. Loving it. But I haven't got the new Market?


New Member
Aug 7, 2011
Reaction score
I've tried everything I can think of.

I've OTA'd to Gingerbread and restarted my phone multiple times but I still have the old Market.

What gives?
Try wiping cache/data for just the market application. This doesn't always work but its the best way to tell if the market update has been sent to your phone. If this doesn't work, then just wait it out until it comes. It won't be too long I'm sure seeing as a lot of people have already received the new market (even though I haven't).
I've tried everything I can think of.

I've OTA'd to Gingerbread and restarted my phone multiple times but I still have the old Market.

What gives?

Yeah what he said. You pretty much just have to wait, will probably take like a week, give or take.y
Try wiping cache/data for just the market application. This doesn't always work but its the best way to tell if the market update has been sent to your phone. If this doesn't work, then just wait it out until it comes. It won't be too long I'm sure seeing as a lot of people have already received the new market (even though I haven't).

Thanks. This didn't work. I guess it hasn't been pushed yet to my phone. I've never quite understood rolling updates. I guess it's easier on the servers or something.
Try wiping cache/data for just the market application. This doesn't always work but its the best way to tell if the market update has been sent to your phone. If this doesn't work, then just wait it out until it comes. It won't be too long I'm sure seeing as a lot of people have already received the new market (even though I haven't).

Thanks. This didn't work. I guess it hasn't been pushed yet to my phone. I've never quite understood rolling updates. I guess it's easier on the servers or something.

It's easier on the servers, and also helps test the update out before rolling it out to a massive amount of people. I got my Droid X2 probably 2 or 3 weeks ago now and didn't get the new market until last week.