Got the HD Station, Now What?


Nov 23, 2010
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I finally got the HD station for my phone, found it slightly used for $30 less on Amazon. Actually I think the package might've been opened then repackaged, not even used. Just a heads up, I did try to buy it "Used" from the Amazon warehouse for about $50, received it and the main part was missing, so I returned it. Then found some other "New" HD Station was available for a little over $30. I figured they were about the same thing...missing the main dock part but included everything else, so I went ahead and paid $70 for it ($65+$5 shipping).

The weird thing about it is, it comes compatible for the RAZR, and not the RAZR MAXX. You have to remove the front plate and replace it with the included RAZR MAXX compatible front plate. That was interesting. I'm not too good on my hands, and thankfully I didn't break anything.

So as some of you know, it has 3 USB ports in the back. What can I use them for, other than probably a USB flash drive or external hard drive?

To anyone's knowledge, is there a way to make my Logitech G930 headset Android compatible? I posted the question over at the Logitech forums and was told no, but I wasn't sure if there was some 3rd party driver which Logitech doesn't support.

What about a compatible keyboard and mouse? Am I limited to using Bluetooth or can RF Wireless work? For a mouse, I'm looking at getting a R.A.T. 9 for my computer. For a keyboard, possibly the Logitech K800. Both are RF wireless. I'd like to be able to use both interchangeably with my computer and DROID RAZR MAXX. Keyboard wise, I would like to stick with something RF wireless compatible, so I can access by BIOS on my computer. I'm fully aware that there is a Motorola Keyboard specifically meant for Webtops but I want a full keyboard (arrow keys and number pad included) and a separate mouse.

What other devices can I use my HD Station for, since I have USB ports available?