Gotta say: I am loving VZW right now


Diamond Member
Jan 25, 2010
Reaction score
Cleveland, Ohio
Current Phone Model
Moto Turbo 2
Or maybe more specifically... I am loving Sprint + T-Mobile right now. For doing all the things right that are getting VZW and AT&T to finally take notice and start lowering prices.

One year ago today, my wife's cellular bill was $90 / month for unlimited.
(Phone is paid for) She was using less then 2 GB a month.
A month ago we were paying $63/month for 4GB. She is still using less then 2GB and carrying over almost 2GB. Yesterday I bumped her up to the new 5GB plan...still with carryover... and my bill dropped another $9.

I think $54 for all the data she can use in a month is FINALLY.... a respectable deal.
I pay $50 a month, before 20% discount, for 2GB data w/rollover, unlimited calls/texts,50GB of cloud storage. I use about 1GB data a month at most. I thank T-Mobile for pushing AT&T to go that route over 2 years ago.

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Yes, over the past two years I've managed to reduce my VZW bill twice, one way or another. Prior to December 2015, I was on their legacy UDP and it was on the verge of charging me that extra fee for keeping the unlimited data. I was paying about $80/mo, after a 17% corporate discount.

Then in December 2015 I bought a Galaxy S6 which I thought would help with signal issues at home thanks to wifi calling becoming available. I had to move off the legacy UDP and switched to their 3 GB plan. With the discount and the price of the phone factored in, I saved few bucks and was down to $75.

Finally back in the summer when they offered up the latest plans, I evaluated my usage and saw I was not coming close to the 3 GB mark. I dropped down to the 2 GB offering and saved another $6 a month.

I'm wondering if they'll restructure pricing again on the tiered plans. Probably not, but sure would be nice.