GPS Tracker App, To track your jogging miles?


New Member
Jun 29, 2010
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Anyone know of a free App that will track you by GPS on the Droid.
Jogging/Walking on a trail so it can't just follow you on streets. I was hoping it would follow you showing a line where you have walked. Maybe an overlay on a satalite view. i can't find an option like that on the Map App.

Thanks much...
GPS Tracker

I tried GPS Tracker and it tracked great, but I could not get it to list data about how long the track was. It listed the position, but jot length. Thanks, I'll trfy the others too.
Runkeeper is a great app that does what you want. Free and premium versions.
Surprised My Tracks wasn't mentioned already. Don't overlook existing threads on this topic.
Yup, my tracks is my top pick

Sent from my DROID BIONIC using Tapatalk
Surprised My Tracks wasn't mentioned already. Don't overlook existing threads on this topic.

shows a line on mine, along with Satellite or map view.

gives you total distance/time, various speeds/moving time/elevations/grades, lat/long

you can record them also.
i use pro Runtastic app,it is a wonderful app