GPS trouble after 2.2 froyo

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New Member
Aug 24, 2010
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Since getting the 2.2 "froyo" update on my Droid I've been having a problem with location.

I have a Verizon "Network Extender" because I live in an area with no cell signal. The Network Extender is a little Internet-connected femtocell box.

The Network Extender doesn't pass through location awareness to Verizon and never has, even though it has a GPS internally. But previously, that hasn't been a problem -- the GPS in the phone would provide accurate satellite location to all the apps.

But following the 2.2 update, the only app that seems to even activate GPS is Google Maps, which still runs OK. (It will actually show my location in Beverly Hills for a few seconds, but once the GPS kicks in it moves 100 miles south to where I actually am.)

But everything else -- the browser, picture locations, Latitude, etc. all report "Beverly Hills, CA" as my location when it is on the Network Extender. Alas, I'm about 100 miles south of there. And judging strictly from the icon bar, these apps don't even seem to activate the GPS now. Which would certainly explain what is happening. What I don't know is why. I can't find any new phone setting that would affect this.

If I disable the phone's location setting: "use wi-fi and cell towers" I then have nothing but "Location Unavailable" in the browser, and GPS co-ordinates in pictures of "0,0,0" and so forth. Basically the apps then have no location at all.

I've tried clearing caches and even resetting the phone, but the behavior persists. Verizon has been no real help thus far and has told me there is no general issue.

So if possible, could someone with a Moto Droid and the VZW 2.2 update tell me if - when the "use wi-fi..." is turned off if you see this behavior also.
I have this issue as well. My phone used to acquire GPS lock within 10 seconds. Now it takes anywhere between 20-30 secs and sometimes never just says "location temporarily unavailable".

However, I've turned on the feature that allows estimated location using cell towers and that seems to work okay and helps the GPS acquire lock.
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