green bar flashing across the top of my bionic while im talking on my phone


New Member
Mar 4, 2010
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some times while i'm talking on my phone (bionic) there is a green flashing bar across the top of my screen. I'm not sure what the green flashing bar means.
If its in your notification bar it means you are in a call

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It's to let you know that a call is currently in progress. You should only see it if you've left the phone screen while in a call.
When I first read this thread today, I was like "what is this guy talking about?"

Then I was on the phone today and in the middle of my conversation the person I was talking to started saying "hello" as if she couldn't hear me. I pulled the phone from my face to see if I accidentally hit mute or something and when the screen lit up I seen the flashing green bar (the whole notification bar was flashing green) and my phone was at the lockscreen, as soon as I unlocked the phone I could continue with my conversation. First time it's happened, weird. You jinxed me :p