Group Message problems


New Member
Apr 2, 2012
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Does anyone else have problems where sometimes you don't get the initial message of say a group text sent from an iphone? I will miss out on initial group texts and not even know I missed until someone else responds back to it.

On the same note is there a way to have a thread for group messages similar to how the iphone has it? Or even like on blackberrys how you can respond to all and it will show you who all is in the thread.

Having Same Problem

I am having the same problem, I get the last 5 or so words of a text....such as be there no later than 1130, however, I don't receive the rest of the text. It had been primarily happening with the same two senders, but today it happened with someone else and was not part of a group text. I did not have any problem before there was a system upgrade.... anyone aware of any solutions?
Make sure you have data turned on when expecting group texts from iPhone users.