GummyJar relevant...or NOT?


Mar 21, 2010
Reaction score
The Third Coast
I dont know if this question belongs here or somewhere else.

Problem, being "roaming" and not realizing it.

Solution, disable the phone for roaming.

I just got back from a trip on a cruise ship. In port in Houston I used the phone and it was NOT roaming. Even offshore a distance it was still not roaming. Then out at sea I wanted to see if the GPS would work without a cell connection. But I could find no way to disable the cell phone from latching on to the ships onboard cell tower connection. It would come up "Roaming" and this would cost me money because some of the background apps immediately latch onto a data line which is then charged at $2.50 a minute.

My old Sprint phone could disable roaming so that you would not be surprised by a bill for roaming that you did not expect. Can the DX be disabled from roaming?
Great, I didnt know that that was what it did. Somehow I thought that was to adjust the output power. Thanks.