OK I know my PC was build to please as a mid/high end PC hand built by me and parts hand selected and the conversion speed sucks to the Max for handbrake I have a way faster converter called ultra video splitter which the conversation time on kills anything I have ever tested it against but I need to get my videos to convert full screen on my Droid when I use it I usually do t have these issues with tech stuff but the video only goes so far when I convert it even when Dominique g about 540x480 it doesn't use most of the screen here ate also some of my pc specs:
AMD Althon Phenom dual core 2.79Ghz
Radon GDDR5 512Mb video card
7Gbs DDR2 ram
750Gb SATA hard drive
Windows 7 Home Pre Edition
AMD Althon Phenom dual core 2.79Ghz
Radon GDDR5 512Mb video card
7Gbs DDR2 ram
750Gb SATA hard drive
Windows 7 Home Pre Edition