Handbrake Conversion Speed Sucks!


Feb 24, 2010
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OK I know my PC was build to please as a mid/high end PC hand built by me and parts hand selected and the conversion speed sucks to the Max for handbrake I have a way faster converter called ultra video splitter which the conversation time on kills anything I have ever tested it against but I need to get my videos to convert full screen on my Droid when I use it I usually do t have these issues with tech stuff but the video only goes so far when I convert it even when Dominique g about 540x480 it doesn't use most of the screen here ate also some of my pc specs:

AMD Althon Phenom dual core 2.79Ghz
Radon GDDR5 512Mb video card
7Gbs DDR2 ram
750Gb SATA hard drive
Windows 7 Home Pre Edition

My corei7 6Gb and 3 GTX295's crunchs thru handbrake with no issues...
Since the punctuation keys on your keyboard are broken, its possible that your CPU is broken, too.
Handbrake is pretty slow all the time...the way it goes about doing its thing is a set it and forget it kind of way. There are faster options, use dvd catalyst if you are on windows, I'm not so I can't use it, but I would if I had a windows CPU. It has a free edition and a $10.00 (I think it's on sale atm, usually $20.00)
Since the punctuation keys on your keyboard are broken, its possible that your CPU is broken, too.


For the OP: Handbrake was built for quality, not speed. If your settings are wrong, it will indeed take forever to convert.