Handcent auto text?

Nov 11, 2009
Reaction score
panama city, fl
Hey guys, so handcent has been working out really well for me. I have a question though. When i'm typing out a word above the box it has suggestions to touch. Well I was typing "cya" as soon as hit space it turns into "chase". Is there a way to disable this suggestion type function? I went into settings and found "auto text", made sure it was unchecked but it still does it. Any ideas?
Typing suggestions in Handcent?!?!?!? What's up with that? The *only* reason I have Handcent SMS installed is because it does voice recognition! I tap on the space where the message goes, click Menu / Voice and I dictate my TXT message! Absolutely Fabulous! I have yet to have a problem with it understanding me, my problem is you really have to think about what you're going to TXT before you press go!

Test auto correct

I have the same problem. I type "thx", hit space and it becomes "Athena". I changed the setting for Auto Text to "Off" and it's still doing it <grrr>...

Settings->Auto Text Settings-> Auto Text
To solve your problem with the suggestions...
Go to Menu > settings > language & keyboard settings > Android Keyboard (settings) > uncheck 'show suggestions'
This will stop the suggestion bar from showing up and automatically change cya and thnx to other words!
Voice recognition? Daayyyum, I didn't know that. I'll have to get used to that one.

As for the OP, if there's just a small amount of words that you have problems with like I do, what about just adding the word(s) to your dictionary by long pressing the suggested word before you hit the space bar? Been working for me.
If you backspace when it auto corrects to a word you don't want, it will turn the word back to what you typed and when you space bar again, it leaves it. I have added the words that I use that aren't typical to my user dictionary, and that seems to help considerably :).

Love my droid!!
If you use a word often, like 'cya,' then, when typing it, long-press 'cya' on the suggestion bar and it will be added to your dictionary
Martin030908, thanks it worked. But, I turned off the 'Auto-Complete' feature instead of the 'Show suggestions'. Thanks for your help, I had tried to find some setting in the message app rather than general setting for the phone...
Martin030908, thanks it worked. But, I turned off the 'Auto-Complete' feature instead of the 'Show suggestions'. Thanks for your help, I had tried to find some setting in the message app rather than general setting for the phone...

as long as you got the phone doing what you want now :icon_ banana: