Hardware keyboard?


Mar 20, 2010
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How many people are waiting for a phone with a hardware QWERTY keyboard? I love some of the phones that are coming out but i really need a hardware keyboard. I cant use swype, although many people swear by it, i hate it. and i hate touch screen keyboards. am i the only one in this boat?
Nope not at all, that's why the moto Droid 3 is coming out. I for one hate the slide out keyboard on my OG. If I could weld it closed I would.

Sent from my OG Droid, fresh MIUI
its a reason why i chose my d2g over the dx.
But is it a deal breaker? Well that depends. If i had to chose between my d2g and the new dx2 i would probably go with the x. When the Droid 3 enters the picture, i might sway my opinion once again.
With sywpe it was whatever, but i do like using the onscreen keyboard but only in landscape mode. But i'm still far more accurate with the physical keyboard.
It's all a matter of preference really.
yea i agree, i was just hoping that the preferences of the mainstream werent leaning more towards all touch keyboards
If I wanted a hardware keyboard I would go back to the enV or the Voyager. I got a smartphone because of the touchscreen keyboard.
I don't know anymore. I text, so I like the hardware keyboard. I prefer landscape with keyboard, but I could go without one, seems a bigger screen would fix the keyboard problem.
How many people are waiting for a phone with a hardware QWERTY keyboard? I love some of the phones that are coming out but i really need a hardware keyboard. I cant use swype, although many people swear by it, i hate it. and i hate touch screen keyboards. am i the only one in this boat?
This poll isn't adequate. I like good physical full qwerty keyboards. Not all are the same, despite the assumption made by questions like this. I can't stand my Droid's physical keyboard.

Similarly, not all virtual keyboards are the same either. I can't stand my Droid's virtual keyboard. Swype is better for me. I've never had problems with the IP4's virtual keyboard.

Keyboards and input methods are a topic littered with highly subjective preferences. What is this poll hoping to achieve? Some people will be waiting for a physical keyboard. Others won't. It's not a one-size-fits-all thing.

I prefer landscape with keyboard, but I could go without one, seems a bigger screen would fix the keyboard problem.
Possibly, depending on your specific needs. As I said, the IP4's virtual keyboard works great for me. Screen size isn't the issue in my case. YMMV, of course.
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If the screen is big enough I actually prefer a phone without a physical keyboard. I could never own an LG Vortex sized phone, but the Thunderbolt is great for typing (or swyping).
Not an option in the poll for me. Do I like having a physical keyboard? Absolutely. Love the keyboard on my Droid Pro, and I'm looking forward to the Droid 3. Is the absence of a physical keyboard a deal breaker? Not at all. My Droid X was fantastic.

If the technology is equal, I'll always take the phone with the physical keyboard, even if the screen is a bit smaller. But if the technology is more advanced in the phone without the physical keyboard (which it tends to be), I want the latest and greatest. So a physical keyboard is important to me, but it's not the most important feature.