having a problem viewing/transfering pics from an old sd card to the 16 gig card


New Member
Dec 14, 2009
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hey fellow droid users. i have had my doid for a week and i am still learning all the in and out of this wonderful phone. One thing that is puzzling me is that i had a bb storm with an 2g memory card. The Images saved on that card have now been downloaded to a file on my laptop. As i went to place them on the driod 16g card I found there were no specific folders asigned for images or videos. I would like to have this data on my new driod.

also have another qucik question. Is there anyway that u can change the folder that pics are saved to after you take a pic with the camera
1. just make the new folder labeled "pictures" and drop them in there.

2. as for where the camera saves the images, i'm not sure. I would imagine you could change the folder to where it saves, but I'm not sure because I don't use my camera.