Having trouble.....


Jul 20, 2011
Reaction score
Katy, Texas
I don't know if anyone else has or is having this problem..... But today I noticed the copy & paste and the download function has stopped working in my stock browser. Any input would be greatly appreciated.

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Only in the stock browser? Have you tried it in other apps to see if things work outside of the browser? If it is truly only in the browser, I would say it's a settings issue. I would try these two things in this order; 1) navigate menu>settings>applications>internet. Then scroll a bit and hit the 'clear default' This is where it stores those answers when you check the box to not be asked again. If that fixes it keep an eye on the things you choose to set as default and see if you can catch the one that caused the issue. If not, try 2) opening the app and going through the settings and resetting the app to it's default settings. Depending on how much you've customized this could be a big step. If you haven't changed much it shouldn't be a big deal. If this fixes it, slowly change your settings back over a couple to a few days, and keep in mind what was changed if things stop working again.

Post if this worked or not and we can look at it a bit more.
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Sorry I haven't responded sooner....... It happens only when I'm in Facebook mobile site, thru the browser not the actual app. Thank you..

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Facebook is finicky enough, but adding it through a mobile browser just compounds the pain. I'd suggest trying a 3rd party browser or 3rd party facebook app.. Or do what I did and just don't use facebook ;-)