Hello everyone


New Member
Jul 23, 2012
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I am Alphairri. I am a Software Engineering student and I hope to work on Android Development in the future.
I got my first Android phone the day that the OGDroid was released. After a few months I got into the world of rooting and messed around with a bunch of ROMs, but in the end I went back and forth Bugless Beast and Cyanogen Mod. My current phone is the Galaxy Nexus (VZW). I never thought I would need to root my GNex since it was everything I need as it was, but last night I realized that Verizon is going to take months for allowing an OTA GNex ROM for Jelly Bean, so I got Bugless Beast by Peter Alfonso. I ran into a problem with it and I hope to get it resolved here.

I thank the community for already being so helpful to everyone and I am happy to now be a part of this community.
Hello and welcome to the forum!!
Welcome aboard!!!

Tap'd from my Maxx
welcome to the forums
Welcome to Droid Forums!! :)

"Don't Panic!"
Tapatalk 2_NEXUS 7