Hello everyone


New Member
Jun 16, 2013
Reaction score
Phoenix, AZ
DroidForums.net newbie here from Phoenix, Arizona. I have had my Motorola Droid X for 3 years now. The best thing that has happened to me was getting my Droid. Any way, I'm glad to be here and hopefully any questions and problems that I might have can be resolved.:music:
Thanks. I have had it for 3 years and I am still learning things about it. Funny thing huh?.:music:
Thanks. I have had it for 3 years and I am still learning things about it. Funny thing huh?.:music:

Welcome, have you replaced your battery lately? , I ask because I have an old dx and around the 3 year mark the original battery swelled, made the screen look weird, didn't do any damage because I caught it in time. Just thought you should know this happens to old batteries, I just got a replacement on ebay only $6.00

I replaced the battery last year. The battery that came with the phone was no longer holding a charge. I would let the phone charge all night and it would be at 100% the next day. I would go into an app and in 2 minutes it would be down to 20 % charge. I finally went to Batteries Plus and picked up a new battery for it. Other than the fact my phone got corrupted last month. I have not had any real problems since.
The x is a rock solid phone and it's held up to the test of time relatively well. Welcome to the forum.
I remember the ole Droid X it was my first Real Android phone. There have been many others since, but I still feel like the DX was the "good old days".
I remember the ole Droid X it was my first Real Android phone. There have been many others since, but I still feel like the DX was the "good old days".

I'm with ya on that, I kept my dx because it was my first, and it never failed me.

Hello and welcome to the forum!