Hello everyone


New Member
Mar 15, 2010
Reaction score
Hi all,

I picked up my Droid yesterday. I'll coming from a Treo 755p. I'm slowly figuring things out, this site has been helpful.

One question I haven't found answered is where can I find a document or thread that answers questions like what the difference is between an app and a widget? Or how can I move icons around?

Welcome, mikeg! Glad to have you with us! Make yourself at home and jump right in! Everyone is here to help and learn! Reading the threads on the forum will only increase how much you enjoy that new Droid! The possibilities for customization are endless!

Basically a widget is a way to manage a program or its elements without going into the program each and every time to accomplish the same thing. Applications are programs on your Droid. If they don't come with a widget - and many don't - you can create a shortcut to that application on one of your homescreens for much the same purpose as a widget.

To move icons around, simply long press on the icon and move it wherever you want on the screen, or into the app drawer at the bottom of the screen to remove it altogether. I hope that helps! Enjoy your new toy!

Welcome for one Mike to another!

I hope this site does not consume you like it has me.
