hello fellow droid users


New Member
Aug 21, 2012
Reaction score
Hello there!

I've been browsing this and other forums for a while, but finally decided to try and contribute to the conversation. I started with an OG Droid which I flashed with various versions of Cyanogenmod, Bugless Beast and some others I forget at the moment. Since then I've moved onto a Droid 3, and had nothing but trouble! I wish they'd just unlock it... On this device I've used hashcode's AKOP and CM9 roms, Steeldroid, and currently Teamhater's Eclipse 3.0 port. I think I might be switching back to Steeldroid 4.8 though...

I hope to have some more time once I wrap up school this semester and will be able to actually contribute some code to the community, but we'll see.

Have a good one!
Hey! Welcome to the community. I started where you are as well. I joined for almost the same reason when I found out I could help some of the people on here too. Glad to have you on board.
Make sure you check out the forums rules and regs
dj stinso
Welcome to Droid Forums!! Definitely make yourself at home :)

"Don't Panic!"
Tapatalk 2_GNEX
Hello and welcome to the forum!!