Hello.. I started w/ the Original Droid and just got a Galaxy Nexus


New Member
Feb 6, 2012
Reaction score
Hello everyone. I'm new to the forum. I started using Android w/ the original Motorola Droid and recently upgraded to the Galaxy Nexus. Recently I broke the glass on my Nexus so I'm trying to get my Droid running again while my Nexus is in for repair. Unfortunately, I'm having some problems, which lead me to join your terrific forum and seek assistance.
Welcome to Droid Forums. Sorry to hear about the broken glass. Hopefully you can get your droid up an running in the mean time.

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk
Hello and welcome!

Congrats on the gNex but sorry to hear it has had a mishap...
Welcome to the board. Sorry to hear about your Nexus. Recently suffered an imperfection on my device and forced myself to get a case:frown: