Hello newbie here


New Member
Jun 1, 2010
Reaction score
hello everybody.
I'm very new to the droid world. In fact don't even have my Incredible phone yet. It's supposed to ship in a couple of weeks. So I got out on web to find out as much as I can before it gets here and found you guys. I'm sure I'll have lots of questions, so we'll see. For now I'll just do a lot of reading and research. I live in the Pacific northwest and love Harley's. Let's Roll dancedroid
hello everybody.
I'm very new to the droid world. In fact don't even have my Incredible phone yet. It's supposed to ship in a couple of weeks. So I got out on web to find out as much as I can before it gets here and found you guys. I'm sure I'll have lots of questions, so we'll see. For now I'll just do a lot of reading and research. I live in the Pacific northwest and love Harley's. Let's Roll dancedroid

:welcome: to the Droid Forums. Glad to have you on board. You may want to take a look at the Incredible FAQ'S section to get some kind of idea what to expect. Hope you enjoy the Forum. Have fun. :)