Hello there!


New Member
Jan 4, 2012
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Hey guys, I'm new here...Just saying hi, from Trinidad (Caribbean island)

I've a question but I'm not sure if I should ask it here or in another section.
I guess based on the feedback I'll decide on that. Anyways it's nice to be here! :happy3:
Welcome to Droid Forums!! We are happy to have you with us :)

And as far as your question, it is always ok to ask here. Sometimes if it is specific to a certain device it is better to ask in that section, a general question here. But either way ask and we shall give it a shot.
Thanks for the welcome and I'll just ask here I guess.

So...As I mentioned, I'm from Trinidad. A few weeks ago my cousins came to visit and one of them brought a phone that they found...It's a Verizon Motorola Droid and I heard that Verizon uses CDMA which means that I can't use a SIM card. Does it even make any sense to keep this phone or is there anyway to hack it?

BTW I'm really a blackberry owner (Storm 9800) but after messing around with the Droid, I really admire the Android OS and I'm considering moving to Android permanently.
Sorry to say but I don't think there is a way to hack it and use it. I have never researched it so someone else can correct me if I am wrong. Worst case scenario you could always use it as a wifi only device.

Sent From the Land Before Time...
Oh, well that kinda sucks but yeah I had the same thing in mind, to use it as a wifi only device.

BTW can someone tell me how good the Samsung Galaxy S is? Is it worth getting right now seeing that the S2 has been recently launched?
welcome to the forum...

~it's not just a phone~