Hello world!


New Member
Feb 15, 2011
Reaction score
Santa Cruz Mountains
As a newbie to smartphones. I appreciate smart tips and Ahh Ha leads on how to get the most out of my Droid 2 Global. I love the keyboard for it's analog-ness. I am attempting to calibrate my GPS, as it is off in elevation by 50 to 100 ft at sea level (ASL). I prefer accuracy and reliability over convenience. Thanks!
Welcome to the forum. Glad to have you with us. We also have a subsection dedicated to the Droid 2. To get there, click on the Forum tab at the top of this page then scroll down until you see the Droid 2 sections.
I'm a novice at this. I have a question. I have a droid 2 phone and my question is this.. What are ALL possible ways that photos can appear in your gallery of photos? I know you can take them, download an attachment, blah blah but I need to know ALL ways.. They just don't magically appear..