Hello World


New Member
Feb 26, 2012
Reaction score
Hey all. I'm a new member, although I am not new to this site. I have found many great threads here on topics from ROM'ing to Unbricking. This site has saved my ass on many occassioins.

I'm 24 and live in the Boston area. I'm an IT Coordinator for an accounting firm. I play NHL12 like it's my job(PSN JoeCo87), feel free to challange me :) I also just started making apps for the Android OS with a friend of mine. This is actually the reason I registered on this site. Since this site has been one of the better I have found, I wanted to share my app here first. I'll be posting some information on it shortly. As a hint to what it is..... let me just say it is not allowed in the Google Market :)
Haha well welcome to the forum ^_^ hopefully if any problems someone here will be able to help :) and goodluck with developing apps :) cant wait to see them...i think o_O haha ^_^

Sent from my DROID RAZR using DroidForums
Ok. I think Jack is drunk thread replying lol. You hit the only two threads I have :) I'll take the bumps lol. You also may want to remove that phone number..... unless it's your ex girlfriends lol
Welcome to Droid Forums.

Don't worry about Jack, that was just spam.
Hello and welcome to the forum!