I suppose I should have posted here first but I had some pressing questions I needed answered! I got my Droid a few days after they came out and I absolutely love it, I've been with Verizon for about 5 years or so and their network is the best IMO. This is my first smart phone, so I spent a few weeks browsing here on here which answered many of my early questions, now I won't look like a fool when I ask the same question that has already been asked 10 times! (I'm still a fool though, don't let that get you!) I've finally started to realize the full potential of this phone and added GDE and Handcent today. I use several of the others apps regularly (CardioTracker, and Slacker mostly). I work at an airport so have found the phone very useful in giving me accurate weather(for myself, and clients deciding if they would like their plane in a hangar or not), and I can now track our flights anywhere on the field! Also had our work tech guy sync up my microsoft outlook e-mail and I am able to perform other job tasks on the fly (checking fuel inventory, etc) without having to waste time asking someone or going to our crappy work computer and waiting ten minutes for it to load! I love this phone!