HELP! Cannot add favorites in Contact List, Cannot add more than 7 in widget...


New Member
Mar 18, 2012
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Ok, just activated a New Droid Razr and brought in my contacts from Backup Assistant. I noticed that there were a host of problems with the contacts. A bunch of wrongs numbers, similarly named contacts were merged as one (i.e. Kate, Katie... were now one contact), etc... I believe I resolved this by cleaning up the file online and syncing the phone. Now I am facing more issues...

Now it seems I a having all kinds of trouble modifying contacts for a favorite list. Some contacts cannot be starred, some contacts cannot be removed from a favorite list once they are added, some I will attempt to add and it adds another contact to the list. The widget and the favorite list do not have the same list. I cannot have more than 7 contacts in the widget. If add another favorite, it simply will replace someone on the list.

Verizon has been no help at all with this and I think that this is relatively elementary expectation for a cell phone. I have tried everything, even did a factory reset to attempt to resolve this to no avail. Any help with this would be appriciated.

Sorry you're having such a rough start.

I have no experience with the Backup Assistant so I can't help you there. I just sync'd with my Gmail acct and bought in my Contacts from there. I'm not sure if you're using gmail contacts, phone contacts or a combo of both.

As far as the Favorite Contacts widget, I have found that to be a bit buggy when trying to add or remove using the widget. I would go into the Contacts app and star or unstar them there and see if it works better for you. Also, the ones I have starred using the Contacts app have a "Starred in Android" label on them when I access Gmail>Contacts using my pc so if you are using Gmail Contacts you could also use your pc to label them.

Maybe someone else can help you with the other issue.
Sorry you're having such a rough start.

I have no experience with the Backup Assistant so I can't help you there. I just sync'd with my Gmail acct and bought in my Contacts from there. I'm not sure if you're using gmail contacts, phone contacts or a combo of both.

As far as the Favorite Contacts widget, I have found that to be a bit buggy when trying to add or remove using the widget. I would go into the Contacts app and star or unstar them there and see if it works better for you. Also, the ones I have starred using the Contacts app have a "Starred in Android" label on them when I access Gmail>Contacts using my pc so if you are using Gmail Contacts you could also use your pc to label them.

Maybe someone else can help you with the other issue.

I don't have anything to add. You have covered all the bases and with good advice if you ask me.

I was even unaware of the Gmail "starred in android" heading so that's a really cool shortcut!