HELP! My Facebook App isn't working. :(


New Member
Apr 6, 2010
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I've had my Droid :motdroidhoriz: for about a week and a half and I've been LOVING it :heart: my Facebook app isn't working. Now that I think of it, the "Notifications" stopped working (there would be no new ones anymore) after the first day. But NOW, I can't even get into facebook. I get "An error has occurred while fetching data [102/Session key invalid/no longer valid]. I did have to change my password for facebook last night, does that have something to do with it????? HELP! What do I do????:huh:
I've noticed the stock facebook app is terrible for receiving notifications. I get notifications via bloo even before the email notification comes in. Not sure why the app itself isn't working for you but you may want to give bloo a shot.
Step 1. calm down (it's just facebook).

There's actually only one step in this process.
Well, I knew I'd get at least ONE snide response about it being "just facebook". I know it's just facebook, I'm mostly concerned about the fact that my phone is only a week and a half old and things are already not working. Thanks for the "help".:icon_ nono2: Can anyone offer any useful advice? I will have to try bloo if this problem can't get fixed, thanks for that...
If you changed your FB password, and then the app stopped working I would start my research in that area.

Also, I LOL'd at his comment and sent a link to this thread to several friends.
So where do I do this "research"? Any ideas?
And glad people can laugh at my expense. As long as their laughing, that's all that matters. :)
How do I sign out? Just turn off the phone and turn it back on? I did that, it didn't help....
K. Fixed it. I deleted my FB account off of my phone and re-added it. Must've had something to do with me changing the password yesterday. The notifications are still wacky, but whatever. At least my phone's not broken.

Stupid problem, but now if it happens to someone else, they can find my lament on here and figure out what to do.

Thanks peops.
i'm having the same issue as well. i've had the droid for several months without problems. uninstalled fb and reloaded but still not working. any suggestions as to how you got it working?
I believe it's a Facebook problem. Mine started yesterday and it's still messed up today. Even after wiping and installing a new ROM (Not because of the FB problem lol).
I'm having the same problem now ... I noticed it when my contact caller ID pics werent showing up anymore.
I believe it's a Facebook problem. Mine started yesterday and it's still messed up today. Even after wiping and installing a new ROM (Not because of the FB problem lol).

Facebook is doing an upgrade on their security. That is the reason for the issues. It's not your phone.

It was all over the news this morning